Why Are People Planning Their Own Funerals?

McGuinty Funeral
4 min readJul 29, 2021

Our deaths have a profound impact on the people we adore, so it makes sense that we want to do everything in our power to comfort our loved ones who grieve us even after we’re gone.

People planning their own funerals have become more popular because it is a way to lessen the severity of emotions we experience once someone we care about dies.

Why do we plan our own funerals?

The pressure of organizing a funeral, i.e. making sure everything is perfect — is something that weighs heavily in the heart of whoever is designing it. Though the guest of honour is not alive in the room, their presence or lack thereof is noticed.

After all, it is the main reason people gathered in the first place.

So the whole process of giving these details to the people who are the closest to the person that died is remarkably heartbreaking. We understand that the closer someone is to a person makes it that much harder for them to be the ones planning it.

Are the flowers the right kind, is the casket the right size, should they be cremated, would they want their ashes scattered, or should you keep them in an urn… It’s overwhelming to think about, especially if someone is trying to mourn a loss at the same time.

If it were you, you would have to push your emotions aside to pick the options your loved one would have wanted, placing your brain into another thought process that deters you from experiencing the intensity of your loss and giving you the time to process what’s happening around you.

We as humans hate seeing other humans we love in pain.

The thought of having someone upset for something involving you is a horrible feeling, especially because when we die, we can’t be there to do anything to take away their suffering.

So what do we do? Or what are people doing?

We plan our own funerals and try to make it as easy as possible for other people in the process.

When we die, we die. We don’t get to experience it, but other people do.

If you can be the one to pick what you want, you can ensure this final event will comfort the people you love. You can design the way you want to be remembered at your funeral, and the pressure of getting someone else to recognize the extraordinary person they knew you as will be lifted, and they can concentrate on healing and moving forward.

When we plan our funerals, it’s our last chance to send and leave a powerful message to loved ones about what life is all about and what things are important to us. Determining what you want your last message to be is up to you, but should leave a good impression on the hearts of the individuals you care about.

So are funerals for the deceased or for the living?

We argue it’s both.

Photo by João Vítor Heinrichs from Pexels

Funerals are a way of honouring someone after they died. They can be sad; they can be happy; they can be psychologically exhausting. Either way, they’re a lot of hard work.

A funeral (or celebration of life as it’s become known) is what gives friends and relatives an opportunity to express the love and respect they feel about someone important to them.

Being able to witness how much other people care can demonstrate to relatives and friends the impact the deceased had on the world and help them feel comforted going forward in this new stage of theirs.

Funerals remind survivors that they are not alone. By providing a venue in which we can freely express our thoughts and feelings about the deceased, share stories of their life, and recognize the qualities that made them distinctive to the world, we can begin to receive the closure we need to help us remember our loved ones.

At the end of the day, a funeral service is a safe place to release internal feelings and grieve someone who had substantially impacted us with their personality and presence. Our devotion to helping other people express these feelings openly is an extension of the love we have for them and is how we can best be remembered.

Thanks For Reading!

Perhaps these reasons explain why more people are choosing to plan their own funerals.

McGuinty has over 92 years of experience in helping families honour loved ones through important funeral rites.

We know the planning process can be overwhelming alone, but with our help, and expertise we will be dedicated to helping you in every way we can. For any inquiries or questions, please get in touch with us on our website, McGuinty Funeral Home Limited.



McGuinty Funeral

McGuinty Funeral Home has been assisting bereaved families in the community of North Bay and the surrounding area since 1919. Visit www.mcguintyfuneralhome.com